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An Introduction to the FPA

An introduction to the Former Players Association

After celebrating the two year anniversary of the Former Players' Association, the original idea of the club setting up a association originally surfaced during the course of 2015 following a brief conversation between Fleetwood Town Vice Chairman, Phil Brown, and one of the club’s goalkeepers from the 1970’s, Stuart Murdoch.

Whilst the perception to set up such an organisation was well intentioned, the time constraints for both Phil and Stuart dictated that the idea had to be mothballed for two years. During the summer of 2017, however, the pair approached Fleetwood Town employee, Tony Collier, who had previously undertaken a variety of roles during his six years at the club.

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Having scaled back his working hours at Highbury Stadium, Tony agreed to assist Phil and Stuart in bringing their idea of a Fleetwood Town Former Players Association to fruition. Largely through word of mouth and several accompanying telephone calls, a handful of players were invited to attend the inaugural informal gathering of the Association at Poolfoot Farm Training Complex on 3rd August 2017.

Whilst eight former players attended, the feedback received by Phil, Stuart and Tony was highly encouraging. The senior players said that they thought the idea for regular gatherings was a terrific one and some further mentioned that they had hoped for such an entity to be set up for many years. 

The regular opportunity for former Fleetwood Town players to come together on an informal basis for a drink, to chat, reminisce and laugh and joke together was one which was met with considerable enthusiasm.

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Previous meetings and how to qualify to join

Since the first meeting, further monthly gatherings have followed at Poolfoot and the number of attendees has risen steadily. Whilst membership of the Association currently stands at over 130 members, it is envisaged that numbers will swell in the coming months. The Association is free to join and the only criteria for membership is that each individual must have made at least one appearance for Fleetwood (Town/Freeport) from any era of the club’s history.

Currently, the Fleetwood Town Former Players Association meet at Crossbar & Grill at Poolfoot Farm Training Complex, Thornton, on the first Thursday of each month from 10am onwards. First time guests will be warmly welcomed into the fold. Upon completion of a short membership form a specially designed complimentary high quality lapel badge will presented to each new member. The badges will not be available from any other source and will be restricted to just one each per Former Player to maintain their exclusivity. 

Contact details

For further details please contact by email :

Stuart Murdoch (Chairman)

Phil Brown (Vice Chairman / Secretary)

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